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Take a look at our school

Our purpose-built Nursery School is divided into 3 main rooms: Buttercups, Bluebells and Sunflowers. Each room is staffed by highly-qualified and well-experienced, caring teaching staff at a generous ratio of adults to children.

Each room has designated areas for all different kinds of play with resources regularly updated and refreshed to reflect children's interests and learning. All children have free flow access to our wonderful Nursery garden throughout their sessions with learning areas outdoors as well as inside - we know that regular contact with green spaces can have a beneficial impact on children's physical and mental health, plus it's a great place for active learning!

"We are always greeted with a smile and a warm welcome. The staff are absolutely brilliant and she's come on leaps and bounds. I'm proud of how much she's thrived since being here."

Parents Comment 2022


So what is a typical day at Hindpool Nursery School?

Many children do not tell their parents what they have been doing. “Oh we just played” is often what they say. Carefully planned play environments and activities, supported by skilled practitioners, transform what children describe as "just play" into learning opportunities. “Play Is The Work of the Child” (Maria Montessori) and is essential to healthy development for children, helping them to be active, make choices and practice actions to mastery.

During the day your child will enjoy a great variety of experiences both indoors and outside. These might include visiting our home corner, art area, the mud kitchen, library and reading corner, playing in our big sand tray, experimenting in the mark-making area, filling and pouring in the water tray, dressing-up and pretending in role play areas, building and constructing with big bricks or exploring in our woodland garden.

In addition to focusing on children and their play, adults add some structure to the sessions with activities like rhymes and number games, singing and stories. The children get a chance to reflect upon their activities and share them with their key worker and classmates. At the end of Nursery children are usually tired from a busy session full of learning!

"He always comes home telling me he's done lots of exciting things at school; Tapestry is brilliant for seeing what he's been up to and the sytem allows me to comment too. His key worker is marvellous with him, as are all the other teaching staff" - Parent's comment 2022