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Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility - Help us to keep all our children safe.

At Hindpool Nursery School we aim to provide a secure, happy and stimulating environment for all, where children not only fulfill their potential but also learn to respect and value both themselves and others. There is no place for extremist views of any kind in our school. We strive to establish and maintain an ethos where children feel safe, secure and are encouraged to talk and are listened to. This is achieved by giving the children a voice, respecting them, involving them, responding to them and through teaching them about their rights.

We include planned activities and opportunities for P.S.E. which equip children with the skills they need to stay safe from abuse and prepare them for adult life. By following the Kidsafe programme the children learn to develop skills which help protect themselves from harm.

If a child says or otherwise communicates something that raises concerns about their health or welfare and this contradicts or conflicts with a parents/carers account then we have a clear duty of care to ensure that any discrepancies are properly investigated and explained. We will make any referrals necessary to ensure the well being of all children is safeguarded.

Likewise, anyone with a concern about a child in Westmorland & Furness can contact Children's Services on this single number.

Safeguarding Hub: 0333 373 2724

Emergency calls (evenings and weekends) will be answered by the emergency duty team that can be contacted on the same number.

As always but especially with regard to safeguarding, if you would like to discuss any matter with a member of staff, please call in, telephone or email us. We have staff specifically trained to help in a variety of issues including Domestic Violence and are part of the Operation Encompass scheme where we receive timely information from the police about incidents they have attended that may involve our pupils in order to support them sensitively and effectively. In addition the school will fully comply with national and local statutory duties and guidance. At Hindpool Nursery School we adhere to the Safeguarding Children Partnership

In school, the designated with responsibility for safeguarding are Mrs Andrea Sweeting and Mr Pete Mills.

The deputy designated person with responsibility for safeguarding is Mrs Suzanne Barclay. The governor with responsibility for safer recruitment is Mrs Helen Wedgewood.