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Bluebell and Sunflower, 3-4 year old rooms

We have two rooms specifically designed and built for our 3 and 4 year olds, Sunflower and Bluebell, each with very experienced and skilled teaching staff. There is a whole range of exciting areas and activities for children to access independently, where children learn with help and guidance from the staff. There is also free flow access to the large Nursery garden throughout the sessions, where play and learning continue hand-in-hand. There are quiet areas too, in which children can relax, enjoy a book and chat with a friend or retreat to if everything becomes a bit overwhelming, with sensitive support from staff.

Adults plan key activities for children to enjoy such as learning investigations, number rhymes, early phonics sessions and story times. The emphasis is on fun throughout!

Every child is in a smaller key group with a Key Worker who gets to know each child really well. While all staff know and work with all the children, their key worker will be adult who gets to know your child best and plans for their individual needs and keeps records of their learning. They are also the main point of contact for parents and carers and are available to talk with and share advice.