Hindpool Nursery School strives to provide education and care that is second to none, in an imaginative and progressive way. This cannot be achieved without the partnership between our totally committed governors, supportive parents and our dedicated head teacher and staff.
Our School Governors have responsibility for making sure:
- High quality staff are employed
- Our yearly budget is prepared and spent wisely
- Staff are supported in achieveing high standards
- The view of parents and the wider community are taken into account
- That progress and development are encouraged
Our nine governors have many skills and abilities and work together to provide the very best for the children at Hindpool Nursery School by taking an active part in helping to:
- Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Hold executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
- Oversee the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
Our Governing Body's Instrument of Government
- 2 Parent Governors (elected by parents/carers)
- 1 Local Authority Governor (appointed by the Governing Body by nomination from the Local Authority)
- 1 Head Teacher (ex efficio)
- 1 Staff Governor (elected by staff at Hindpool Nursery School)
- 4 Co-opted Governors (appointed by the Governing Body)
The Term of office for parent and staff governors is 2 years, Chair of Governors is 2 years and all other categories of governors have a term of office of 4 Years.
There are no Governor Sub-Committees. All items are discussed at full Governing Body Meetings which are held twice a term (every half-term) throughout the school year.
For dates of the Governor's terms of office and 2022-2023 attendance, please see the Hindpool Nursery's Governing Body table and 2022-2023 attendance attached below.
If you are interested in supporting our school as a Governor, please call into Nursery and ask for Mrs J Marsland, our Clerk to the Governors.
Hindpool Nursery School Governing Body